Matt Rammelkamp's Blog

Personal blog of Matthew Rammelkamp from 2005 - 2009. Blog is now changing sites to

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Optimism About Ron Paul's Candidacy

A Letter From Ron Paul

January 28, 2008

When I started this campaign more than a year ago, I was a somewhat
reluctant candidate. I knew our message of freedom, peace, and prosperity
was the right one for our country, but frankly, I didn't know how many
people today would have ears to hear it.

Well, did I learn a lesson! Millions of Americans understand what ails
our country, and what is needed to fix it. So, with you at my side, I
am in this effort to win. Not only by building the ideas of liberty, but
by getting the nomination. Our opponents would call that nuts -- you
know, the advocates of more inflation, more spending, more taxes, more
war. But let me explain why they are, as usual, all wet.

For one thing, for the first time since 1952, we are headed towards a
brokered convention. Instead of a coronation of one of the establishment
candidates, the delegates, influenced by the people, will decide. And
I am afraid that this will take place in a time of heightened economic
crisis. That means even more Americans will be ready to hear our
message. But it also means I am really going to need your help.

One would never know this from the mainstream media, but we've only had
a few primaries and caucuses, and even after the extremely important
date of February 5th, we will still have more than half to go. And the
Republican nominee will not be decided by the popular vote among the
"leading candidates" in a few states also handpicked by the media. The
nominee will be decided by the delegates. So let me tell you a little
about our "under-the-radar" strategy to get those delegates.

On "Super Tuesday," February 5th, there will be 22 primaries and
caucuses. I have a hunch that we're going to do very well. But, of course,
the media and the rest of the establishment refuse to recognize that.
It's the attitude of the small child who covers his eyes to make something
scary go away. But we are not going away.

While the media focus on the couple of states they claim are important,
we're competing everywhere. And the reason that we're able to do that
is because of your grassroots support. You all are an asset that no
other campaign has: donors, and activists who want no special deals from
the government, just the Constitution.

We're competing very strongly in all the caucus states, and in all
other states where delegates are up for grabs. And we're going to keep
picking up delegates. Our strategy's already working.

And we're committed to winning states. I have little doubt that if we
can double our efforts in this coming week, we're going to grab many
delegates from other candidates. Then we'll start getting ready for the
biggest moment of all - the convention in September.

The path to the convention is twisty, however. When we were in Iowa, we
got 10% of the vote. But no delegates were awarded that night. That's
because voters didn't directly choose national convention delegates;
they selected the county and state delegates who will make that decision.
And if another candidate like Mike Huckabee is no longer in the race
at the time of the state convention in June, his delegates are free to
support whomever they want. If we work extra hard, we can convert them
into delegates for our campaign!

A similar thing happened in Nevada. We won 14% of the straw poll vote
that the media reported on, but what they didn't tell you was that we
may have gotten up to a third of Nevada's delegates to their county
conventions! I always laughed when I heard some people say Nevada didn't
matter. Nevada chooses more delegates to the national convention than
South Carolina.

So, while the media will focus on the results from Florida, and
probably take down the campaign of my friend Rudy in the process, those
results are less important to you and me. Let them fight in Florida while we
bring our message to Americans in other areas, like the economically
hard-hit state of Maine.

We want to win as many delegates to the Republican National Convention
as possible, even if other campaigns don't see some areas of the
country as "important. But in this work, I need your help. Help me get many,
many delegates to this historic convention, by these three methods.

1. Donate. Your generous contributions are essential if we're going to
keep going until September. We need, frankly $5 million by February 5
to run more TV and radio ads in the Super Tuesday states. Your help
means everything:

2. Canvass. You can help us identify those who support our message in
your precinct. You can help us to convert others, too. After all, your
neighbors pay attention to you. I am going to visit as much of the
country as I can, but I need you as my partner in your area:

3. ASK others to sign-up on our website. I meet so many people on the
campaign trail who don't even receive my letters! I've told my campaign
to make communication with you, the engine of all this, much better.
But if people don't sign up for my e-mails, that won't happen. If you
could just get one extra person to sign-up, that would be great. More
would be tremendous.

Help me by forwarding this e-mail to every other Ron Paul supporter you
know, and urging them to join our efforts!

We've come so far, but now the fun is really starting! I have a feeling
the mainstream media will move from ignoring us to attacking us. But
that will be a sign of our success. Join me as we continue this great
movement into year two, and to a hot convention in Minneapolis-Saint
Paul. We can do it!



McCain's Win Helps Ron Paul

Mitt Romney just blew $30 Million in Florida, and lost!

Ouch! Romney had the most delegates going into the contest.

With McCain’s win tonight, Romney, Huckabee and Rudy are just about finished. Mitt may have ran away with it with a win in Florida, but if he can’t win after spending that kind of cash he’s finished.

McCain is broke too. He was running out of cash in Florida. And he has some skeletons in his closet that rivals the most decrepid of all creatures in Washington, D.C.

The last man standing will be Ron Paul.

Paul has been sitting on a golden goose egg for Super Tuesday.

I would not be surprised if Ron has been investing his War Chest stash into gold, make huge profits for the campaign. If the dollar crashes during the campaign, Ron will be the only candidate left with real money!

All the other candidates “spent themselves into oblivion.”

Get ready for the 51st Anniversary $$ Bomb Feb. 1st - Friday All Night Dance for Ron Paul and his beautiful wife.

Monday, January 28, 2008

End the IRS - Here's How - Feb 1st...

The government is sending us tax-rebates back soon; $500-$800/per person or something... dish out the money now to get Ron Paul elected and you'll never pay an income tax again.

Pledge today at:

p.s. Looks like the Republican Party is going to have a brokered convention. In 34 states, the popular vote of the primary is non-binding. In almost all states, the delegates are only bound for the first vote. If no one gets 51% the first vote around - delegates are legally able to vote their conscious. Ron Paul's campaign is strategically looking to get a majority of delegates even if they don't win too many state primaries. The mainstream media doesn't know or care about this; but I do. We could take over the convention and win in September. Please continue supporting this effort, you won't regret it.

For more info go to, there are videos on their that explain this.

Here Comes RFID Chips in Everything

Friday, January 25, 2008

Open Debate vs. Your Opposition Controlling the Floor: Knowing When to Avoid Confrontation

Open Debate vs. Your Opposition Controlling the Floor: Knowing When to Avoid Confrontation
by me

When someone else has the floor, they will always tear a new a**hole out of their opposition. In an open debate, it may be a different story but when someone has the floor, the odds are against you that you will represent your opposing viewpoint fairly. Therefore, it's best to just not bring it up.

We can't call up sean hannity/bill o reily and talk about ron paul because it will hurt us more than help. It's best his listeners not hear the name Ron Paul than hear it in a negative way. When we knock on a strangers door and they hear you say "I'm a volunteer for Ron Paul..." would we rather them slam the door in our face because their favorite radio/tv news guy ripped 'em a new a*hole OR would we rather them just simply say "Who is Ron Paul?"

We also can't be like this guy holding up a ron paul sign at a mitt romney rally. He could have used his time better passing out ron paul flyers, canvassing, phone banking, or even posting-pro-ron-paul videos on message boards....ANYTHING ELSE. What a waste of this guy's limited time.

We don't have infinity people! Every time you choose to do one thing less productive you are preventing yourself from doing something else more productive.

Thursday, January 24, 2008



You're cold. Shivering. Your legs pump back and forth, trying in vain to generate heat. Your feet are cracked and aching, fingers turning to steel. You can feel your breath leave your body as you wait, exhaling plumes of cigarette smoke without actually smoking though in all likelihood you've already gone through a few already and it's only 6 p.m. Two hours past, three more to go. You're standing at a stranger's door, having just rung the doorbell twice. You jiggle your clipboard in anticipation. You are wearing an official T-shirt in an odd color with a large logo affixed. You feel vaguely ridiculous and very much alone. There's a small tinge of hope mixed in, however. You've seen whole nights of labor redeemed in a minute and a half. You've also gone home hungry and resentful, beggin' cup empty, to take the long subway ride back to the office feeling more than a little like Mr. Willy Loman. You've got $65 in checks and small bills in your pocket, quota is a hundred and twenty. You were behind quota yesterday, and the day before, but three days ago you raised two hundred dollars — a great night, a splendid night, a "hot night!" You need to be on quota for the week. You really need to be on quota for the week.

He's got a nice house, large and stately, though not overly ostentatious. Someone raises a family here. Through the window you can see the warm lamplight humming over the bookcase and stereo. It looks promising, luminous. You hear dinner sounds. You've come to know the small roar and crackle of highway cars echoing in the distance. You feel a little bit like an actor auditioning for the same role in the same play for the thirteenth time in a row. It's a nice neighborhood. Three or four streets will be your turf for the night. You've never been here before and you will most likely never return, but this block will become a microcosm of the world until quitting time. The location is decided from a general aggregate of voter data. There is, contrary to public suspicion, little interest in targeting specific persons. Not everyone is friendly, not everyone is on-board with the cause. Not very many people are actually glad to see you...

You have an interesting job. You meet more people in a day (even superficially) than most do in a month. You shake hands, you goof with children, you look strangers in the eye and talk directly into them. You catch glimpses of fascinating (utterly fictitous) backstory in a sideways glance or a casual gesture. You catch glimpses of a real person's life: family, spouse, income, livelihood, opinions, politics. And this is what happens with the dozen or so faces you greet every night. You have met all manner of fellow citizenry, all races, colors and creeds: middle aged Portuguese men who live with their mother, angry black urban youths, octogenarian Jewish grandmas, ancient Irish union men, embarrassingly friendly Albanian couples, Latino housewives, Russian twenty-somethings who followed their boyfriends from Moscow to the States. Self- described relatives of Lord Byron and Winston Churchill. You meet upstart yuppies with popped collars and spiked hair, hippies, churchies, fuckups, fat men, rednecks, soldiers, students, carpenters, cops, millionaires, doctors, lawyers, bartenders and some of the most undeniably gorgeous fellow citizens you have ever laid your eyes on. You flirt. You fall in love at least once a day.

The work is physical. You clamber down icy stairways, through the mazes of steeply winding streets, up twenty foot porches, hills, walking everywhere all the time. You sweat, you lose weight, you're profoundly glad to sit down at the end of the day. Your boss has been known to wrap her feet in plastic bags, under the shoe, during snowstorms (and yes, you do canvas in snowstorms). You exhaust yourself. You have the distinct sensation of having really earned your paycheck, savored it, since what it essentially amounts to is a pile of shekels in your beggin' cup. This is enhanced by the fact that the amount of said shekels fluctuates without mercy. You do, after all, walk alone at night for hours, convincing people to give you money.

It can suck. It can suck unbelievably, and in ways you could never have imagined and that only fellow canvassers can really understand. People, quite simply, are assholes. You know this from consistent experience. You will never forget it. You have been lied to directly (Your wife was home! I saw her in the hallway!), patronized ("I just think it's WONDERFUL that you're out here! I love seeing idealistic young people getting out there and DOING SOMETHING! Ooooh, no, sorry... I don't have any money."), condescended to ("I am not sure you realize, young man, how the Edwards campaign has utilized the polyglot dynamics of the contemporary socio-political hegemonic realm...") and demonized ("Off my lawn, faggot"!). You have literally had hundred of doors slammed in your face. You have been told — exasperatingly — simply to get a better job. Incidentally, the last parenthetical was an actual quote, recounted by a comrade who came back to the office one night pale as a ghost on account of its being uttered by a man in a rage who was indeed gesturing with a knife. Local cops make up stories and kick you out of their neighborhood for spite. This is particularly true in the more upscale neighborhoods. You are yelled at; you are scolded. Some people snottily demand identification, as if the neon shirt and nametag and clipboard weren't proof enough. You get the police called on you at least once a month. You are not welcome here.

The main suck is this: The people who'd love to give, want to give, are in fact just dying to give, but who won't give to you. This is the ache, the fly in the ointment, the perennial pain in the ass. If you're given to introspection or insecurity, it will drive you mad. The beast can take many forms. You have heard every excuse in the book and do not believe a word of any of them: we have no money, we have no checkbook, we have no pen, we aren't citizens, we don't get involved in this stuff, we don't do door to door, we'd rather do it online (roast in hell for that one!) we don't do it by phone, we don't do it in the mail, we would not could not with a box, we would not could not with an ox. At these moments, you swear on all that is holy that when the inevitable canvasser comes to the door in the future you will not only invite them in but feed them, smoke them up and immediately give them everything you have.

Your scorn is focused on one very special assertion: "We're eating dinner." This is the unkindest cut of all. God forbid you interrupt a dinnertime! You hate it because it is so transparently hollow. You are dying to scream at the top of your lungs. You want to say: I know what time it is. I know you've worked hard all day. I respect that. I get it. Believe it or not, I'm working too. It's not shabbas and it ain't Christmas. It's a Tuesday. This is the time when everyone's home. You're most likely munching take out and distractedly watching SportsCenter. This isn't Rwanda. You will eat again, I promise. We are not as much of an intrusion (honestly we're not) as you would like to make yourself believe. (Everyone loves to be annoyed these days. It's a sign of sophistication). I am not a solicitor, by the way. I have no vacuum cleaner. The transaction will take three to five minutes, tops. It's not that complicated. You'll be glad you did it. You said, after all, that you liked what we do.

This is the rub. This is why dinner hurts. It reeks of apathy and the armchair radical. It's redolent of the kind of flippantly cynical, solipsistic, desultory approach to the outside world that is so readily applied to the current rising generation (not without warrant, of course) when there is more than enough shallowness and cynicism and cheap sarcasm to go around. People love to have opinions about politics. They just don't like to think about politics all that much. You find yourself in a position where you are called on to justify positions you yourself don't like, on account of the situation. Idealism gets sidelined to pragmatics. You find yourself thinking "Yes, sweetie, I know the Democrats haven't been as vigilant as they should have been in doing X or not doing X but you know what? Politics is the art of the compromise (don't I know it!) Give up now, go back to dinner and the whole game is lost. The bullshit has got to stop. Write the check. Sign the petition. It's about numbers. And the good guys are always outnumbered. We need to win the next election, pure and simple. We need good drinking water. We need these things. If we don't get ourselves out of the dining room the possibility of real change shrinks ever smaller and there's less and less of a chance for something even remotely close to the America we dream of to actually happen."

Nobody gives it to you. You have to earn it. Turn away in disgust and the enemy votes twice. And besides, isn't there someone always complaining about how the corporate behemoth fat cats who rule this planet are buying up elections and politicians by the handful? Guess who dictates policy then? And doesn't that make you mad? Don't you think it ought to stop? Why won't someone do something about it? If only there were a better way! Here, take a look at my clipboard.

It's not that not everyone donates (no one would ever expect that) but that there are people who don't donate because they feel that it's somehow beneath them. It's an unglamorous, ungainly, inelegant way to fuel the democratic process. Wearing top hats and sitting next to the celebrity of your choice is so much more chic. Canvassers get treated like they do because they are living reminders of the nagging possibility of actual change. How else, pray tell, do Barack Obama or Ron Paul get their instant karma in the media and get to rock the collective electoral vote for at least a little while? It's the grassroots, stupid! We are, each of us, the scrappy little reminders of the Silent Majority that there is more to life than quietly eating one's dinner and grousing about The Way Things Oughta Be.

Sometimes, though, you get dinner. The gig is not without its perks. It is very rewarding. You have been fed sumptuous free meals by good people who want nothing more than to sit down and get to talking about what's really going on in the world today. They give you water. They give you gloves. They give you books. They let you in to warm up and have a rest. You aren't supposed to drink on the job but damn it, I'll have it if you are. You have sat for an hour with a jovial family on summer vacation in the Vineyard and been poured 18-year-old scotch in tiny glasses. You've had money and sparkling repartee tossed your way amid a porch full of Christmas lights and people genuinely enjoying the presence of a new friend. On a warm summer night you drank obscure Jamaican rum that tasted like sugar cane and melted bananas, free cigar in hand, looking out over the city lights and ruminating with your host. You've been given bars of Swiss chocolate by a wonderful old lesbian couple whose children recruited you to play dragon wizard. You've met people who gave you money they themselves signified as being "hard earned" without a trace of attitude or self-importance. You look at their hands and you know they mean it. You've seen cleaning ladies give you all the money in their pockets. Once, a gaggle of junior high school girls went peeking through the doorway on the afternoon of the junior prom and handed you lilies, giggling and running away. You've sat and spilled your guts (usually after a breakup) to obliging strangers who, after having taken in your tale of woe, decided to write you out a check after all — and get their spouses in on it, too. Cheer up, kid. You can do better.

You've got stories worth telling. Moments that you cannot describe. There's no feeling like asking for a large amount of money from a stranger and actually getting it. Nailing it. You can feel yourself saying the words but it's like this rhythm is going through you, the way a great speaker will connect with you in sound, expression and gesture (it's very musical) and as you deliver for the umpteenth time you somehow achieve this strange balance of absolute confidence with absolute calm. You watch people automatically open their wallets, walk off to get their checkbook, nod a bit and sign the paperwork almost in a daze. After all, you asked them too. Some people have this sort of power just pouring out of them, some people never really have it. But in time you learn to cultivate it, like any skill, and you too can make a living asking strangers for money. And if you can do this, what else could you do?

The clunking sound of footsteps breaks your reverie. You snap awake. You lean back, square your shoulders, shake your pen, ready your clipboard. You run your hand through your hair. Oddly enough, the feeling is very much what its like to ask someone for a date. You get butterflies! You are at this moment about to do your job. You are not (usually) a volunteer. You are by design part gypsy, part salesman and part politician. You are an idealistic young person who's gotten off the proverbial couch and actually "done something" about "it." You are a gnat, buzzing in the ears of the hoi polloi. You are a part of something bigger than yourself. You are tired, humble, broke, energetic and improvisational. You are, if nothing else, and in the face of everything else, an activist.

— Matt Hanson (

— graphic by Charles Fincher (

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Oppose Electronic Voting Systems

Ensure Verifiable Elections in NY - Oppose DREs, Electronic Voting Systems

I am writting to express my concern for verifiable elections here in New York State. I would like to see a permanent end to electronic voting machines. One type of electronic voting systems being proposed right now by the New York State Board of Elections, called DRE systems, have continually failed in recent elections due to printout errors, paper jams, and the systems running out of ink, in at least nine states, according to New Yorkers for Verified Voting.

The League of Women Voters, New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), and New Yorkers for Verified Voting released a press release on September 19th calling for the State Board of Elections to not allow untested "DREs" to be implemented across the state ( They also wrote a letter, signed on by a coalition of other groups as well, to all the commissioners of the State Board of Elections. These touch screen voting machines have caused "endless problems in other states", according to Bo Lipari, Executive Director of New Yorkers for Verified Voting. NYPIRG Legislative Council Russ Haven said in the statment, "The State Board of Elections apparently is looking to sneak untested DRE's into every polling site across the state...we should be aware of such Trojan Horses."

I urge you to google "Clinton Eugene Curtis," who is a computer programer who was hired, a few months before the 2000 Presidential election, to bulid a "vote rigging" software program by a running-mate of President Bush's brother, the Governor of Florida. Tom Feeney, who is now a U.S. Congressman and member of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, was a Florida Congressman in 2000 when Curtis was hired to make the software. Feeney was a running-mate to Jeb Bush for Florida's Governor, and was also Speaker of the Florida House at the time.

Curits became the lead programmer for Yang Enterprsies, and had daily meetings with the CEO Mrs. Li Woan Yang, who once stated, "This program is needed to control the vote in South Florida [2000 Presidential Election]." Curtis, who developed the software, says in an affidavit, that Feeney was present at his companies meetings about the software, "on at least a dozen occasions". Curtis testifyied in front of a town council meeting, under oath, that he was hired to develop a system that could tip the vote 51-49 everytime. This video is available on Youtube, and a clip is shown in the late Aaron Russo's film "America: Freedom to Fascism" that exposes the Federal Reserve fraud as well as the destruction of our civil liberties in America. Curtis believes these systems were used in many elections, including the 2004 Presidential elections in Ohio, or in any other place since 2000 where exit polling numbers have not matched up with official vote tallies. His affidavit is available online: You can watch his testimony online here:

I also urge you to read "The Usability of Electronic Voting Machines and How Votes Can Be Changed Without Detection" by Sarah P. Everett, Rice University, 2007. Considering, as Lipari of NYVV says, there is "abundant evidence that DREs are a failed experiment," I urge you to demand, immediately, that the State Board of Elections do not allow these broken and corruptable machines, or any electronic voting machines, into our polling places.

Campus "gun free zones" may make some people feel safer, but as recent events demonstrate, feeling safe is not the same as being safe

Every day millions of licensed Americans legally carry concealed handguns in movie theaters, office buildings, shopping malls, banks, churches, etc.

Numerous studies show that concealed handgun license holders are five times less likely than non-license holders to commit violent crimes.

Campus "gun free zones" may make some people feel safer, but as recent events demonstrate, feeling safe is not the same as being safe.

Learn The Facts:

Argument: "Guns on campus would lead to an escalation in violent crime."

Answer: "Since the fall semester of 2006, state law in Utah has allowed licensed individuals to carry concealed handguns on the campuses of all public colleges. Also, concealed carry has been allowed for several years at both Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO) and Blue Ridge Community College (Weyers Cave, VA). This has yet to result in a single act of violence at any of these schools. Numerous studies*, including studies by University of Maryland senior research scientist John Lott, University of Georgia professor David Mustard, engineering statistician William Sturdevant, and various state agencies, show that concealed handgun license holders are five times less likely than non-license holders to be arrested for violent crimes."

*“Crime, Deterrence, and Right-to-Carry Concealed Handguns,” John Lott and David Mustard, Journal of Legal Studies (v.26, no.1, pages 1-68, January 1997); “An Analysis of the Arrest Rate of Texas Concealed Handgun License Holders as Compared to the Arrest Rate of the Entire Texas Population,” William E. Sturdevant, September 1, 2000; Florida Department of Justice statistics, 1998; Florida Department of State, “Concealed Weapons/Firearms License Statistical Report,” 1998; Texas Department of Public Safety and the U.S. Census Bureau, reported in San Antonio Express-News, September 2000; Texas Department of Corrections data, 1996-2000, compiled by the Texas State Rifle Association

Argument: "It is inconceivable that any logical person would believe that the answer to violence is ‘more guns.’"

Answer: "One might have just as easily told Edward Jenner, the man who discovered in the late eighteenth century that the cowpox virus could be used to inoculate people against smallpox, 'It is inconceivable that any logical person would believe that the answer to disease is "more viruses.”'"

Argument: "Guns on campus would distract from the learning environment."

Answer: "Ask anyone in a concealed carry state when he or she last noticed another person carrying a concealed handgun. The word 'concealed' is in there for a reason. Concealed handguns would no more distract college students from learning than they currently distract moviegoers from enjoying movies or office workers from doing their jobs.

“In most states with ‘shall-issue’ concealed carry laws, the rate of concealed carry is about 1%. That means that one out of a hundred people is licensed to carry a concealed handgun. So, statistically speaking, a packed 300-seat movie theater contains three individuals legally carrying concealed handguns, and a shopping mall crowded with 1,000 shoppers contains ten individuals legally carrying concealed handguns. Students who aren't too afraid to attend movies or go shopping and who aren't distracted from learning by the knowledge that a classmate might be illegally carrying a firearm shouldn't be distracted from learning by the knowledge that a classmate might be legally carrying a firearm.”

Argument: "Colleges are too crowded to safely allow the carry of concealed weapons."

Answer: "Colleges are no more crowded than movie theaters and office buildings, where concealed handgun license holders are already allowed to carry their firearms. The widespread passage of concealed handgun laws has not let to a spate of shootings or gun thefts at movie theaters and office buildings."

Argument: "A person with a gun could ‘snap’ and go on a killing spree."

Answer: "Contrary to popular myth, most psychiatric professionals agree that the notion of a previously sane, well-adjusted person simply ‘snapping’ and becoming violent is not supported by case evidence. A person’s downward spiral toward violence is usually accompanied by numerous warning signs."

Argument: "A dangerous person might jump someone who was carrying a gun, take the gun, and use it to do harm."

Answer: "Even assuming this hypothetical dangerous person knew that an individual was carrying a concealed handgun, which is unlikely, there are much easier ways for a criminal to acquire a firearm than by assaulting an armed individual."

Argument: "Dorms are notoriously vulnerable to theft. It would be too easy for someone to steal an unattended firearm from a dorm."

Answer: "The vulnerability of dorms to theft does not necessitate a campus-wide ban on concealed carry by licensed individuals. There are numerous other options, from community gun lockers to small, private gun safes that can be secured to walls, floors, bed frames, etc."

Note: Even at the University of Texas—a major university with over 50,000 students—a quick comparison of campus housing statistics and concealed handgun licensing statistics reveals that there would likely be less than twenty concealed handgun license holders living in on-campus housing.

Argument: "It’s possible that a gun might go off by accident."

Answer: "Accidental discharges are very rare—particularly because modern firearms feature multiple safety features and because a handgun’s trigger is typically not exposed when it is concealed—and only a small fraction of accidental discharges result in injury. SCCC feels that it is wrong to deny citizens a right simply because that right is accompanied by a negligible risk."

Note: Only about 2% of all firearm-related deaths in the U.S. are accidental. A person is five times more likely to accidentally drown, five times more likely to accidentally die in a fire, 29 times more likely to die in an accidental fall, and 32 times more likely to die from accidental poisoning than to die from an accidental gunshot wound.

Argument: "It’s unlikely that allowing concealed carry on college campuses could help prevent a Virginia Tech-style massacre because most college students are too young to obtain a concealed handgun license."

Answer: "Nineteen of the thirty-two victims of the Virginia Tech massacre were over the age of twenty-one (the legal age limit for obtaining a concealed handgun license in Virginia)."

Argument: "Self-defense training is as effective as a handgun against an armed assailant."

Answer: "If you're going to try to manually disarm an assailant, you'd better be within an arm's length of him, be standing on firm ground, not have any obstacles between you and him, and be in relatively good physical condition. If the assailant is standing four feet away, you're probably out of luck. If you're sitting in a chair or lying on the floor, you're probably out of luck. If there is a desk between you and the assailant, you're probably out of luck. And if you're elderly or disabled, you're probably out of luck. Even a well-trained martial arts expert is no match for a bullet fired from eight feet away. Why should honest, law abiding citizens be asked to undergo years of training, in order to master an inferior method of self-defense?"

Argument: "Colleges are emotionally volatile environments. Allowing guns on campus will turn classroom debates into crime scenes."

Answer: "Before concealed handgun laws were passed throughout the United States, opponents claimed that such laws would turn disputes over parking spaces and traffic accidents into shootings. This did not prove to be the case. The same responsible adults--age twenty-one and above--now asking to be allowed to carry their concealed handguns on college campuses are already allowed to do so virtually everywhere else they go--office buildings, shopping malls, movie theaters, grocery stores, banks, etc. They clearly do not let their emotions get the better of them in other environments; therefore, no less should be expected of them on college campuses."

Argument: "The college lifestyle is defined by alcohol and drug abuse. Why would any sane person want to add guns to that mix?"

Answer: "This is NOT a debate about keeping firearms out of the hands of college students. This is a debate about allowing licensed individuals to carry their concealed firearms into campus buildings, the same way they carry them virtually everywhere else they go. College students can already legally purchase firearms, and every state that provides for legalized concealed carry has statutes prohibiting license holders from carrying while under the influence. Legalizing concealed carry on college campuses would neither put guns into the hands of more college students nor make it legal for a person to carry a firearm while under the influence."

Note: Allowing concealed carry on college campuses would have no impact on the laws regulating concealed carry at bars or off-campus parties—the places where students (particularly students of legal age to obtain a concealed handgun license) are most likely to consume alcohol.

Argument: "In an active shooter scenario, like the one that occurred at Virginia Tech, a student or faculty member with a gun would only make things worse."

Answer: "What is worse than allowing an execution-style massacre to continue uncontested? How can any action with the potential to stop or slow a deranged killer intent on slaughtering victim after victim be considered ‘worse’ than allowing that killer to continue undeterred?"

Argument: "The last thing we need is a bunch of vigilantes getting into a shootout with a madman, particularly since it's been proven that trained police officers have an accuracy rate of only about 15%, in the field."

Answer: "Citizens with concealed handgun licenses are not vigilantes. They carry their concealed handguns as a means of getting themselves out of harm's way, not as an excuse to go chasing after bad guys. Whereas police shooting statistics involve scenarios such as pursuits down dark alleys and armed standoffs with assailants barricaded inside buildings, most civilian shootings happen at pointblank range. In the Luby's Cafeteria massacre, the Columbine High School massacre, and the Virginia Tech massacre, the assailants moved slowly and methodically, shooting their victims from pointblank range. A person doesn't have to be a deadeye shot to defend himself or herself against an assailant standing only a few feet away. It is highly unlikely that an exchange of gunfire between an armed citizen and a deranged killer would lead to more lives lost than would simply allowing an onslaught of execution-style murders to continue unchecked. Contrary to what the movies might have us believe, most real-world shootouts last less than ten seconds*. Even the real Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, a shootout involving nine armed participants, lasted only about thirty seconds and ended with only three of the participants being killed. It is unlikely that an exchange of gunfire between an armed assailant and an armed citizen would last more than a couple of seconds before one or both parties were disabled. And if the assailant were disabled, he would be unable to do any more harm."

*In The Line of Fire: Violence Against Law Enforcement, U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Institute of Justice, 1997

Argument: "How are first responders supposed to tell the difference between armed students and armed assailants?"

Answer: "This hasn't been an issue with concealed carry license holders in other walks of life for several reasons. First and foremost, real-world shootouts are typically localized and over very quickly. It's not realistic to expect police to encounter an ongoing shootout between assailants and armed civilians. Second, police are trained to expect both armed bad guys AND armed good guys--from off-duty/undercover police officers to armed civilians--in tactical scenarios. Third, concealed handgun license holders are trained to use their firearms for self-defense. They are not trained to run through buildings looking for bad guys. Therefore, the biggest distinction between the armed assailants and the armed civilians is that the armed civilians would be hiding with the civilians, and the armed assailants would be shooting at the civilians."

Argument: "Some states allow citizens to be issued concealed handgun licenses at the age of 18."

Answer: "Among the thirty-six ‘shall-issue’ states*—states where local authorities cannot require qualified applicants to "show a need" before the applicant is issued a concealed handgun license/concealed carry weapons permit—six states allow, without special provision, for any person eighteen years or older to be issued a concealed handgun license. These states are Indiana, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

“Based on the FBI/Department of Justice violent crime statistics for the year 2006, the crime rates for these seven states, when ranked with all fifty states and the District of Columbia, rank as follows:

Indiana – 30
Montana – 42
South Dakota – 47
New Hampshire – 48
North Dakota – 50
Maine – 51

“Not only are Maine, North Dakota, New Hampshire, and South Dakota four of the five** U.S. states with the lowest crime rates, Montana has the tenth lowest crime rate, and Indiana isn’t even in the top 50%. Clearly these states’ lenient concealed handgun laws are not breeding generations of young violent offenders.

“The extraordinarily low crime rates in these six states, coupled with the fact that these states have a combined population of only about 10,900,000 (approximately 1.6 million less than the combined population of America’s two largest cities—New York, NY, and Los Angeles, CA—and at approximately 1/3 the combined violent crime rate of those two cities) has led Students for Concealed Carry on Campus to focus on the majority of ‘shall-issue’ states where the minimum age to receive a concealed handgun license is 21.”

*Alaska (licenses are offered but not required to carry a concealed handgun), Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming

**Vermont is ranked at 49—the third least violent state. Vermont neither requires nor offers a license to carry a concealed handgun.

From the horse’s mouth:

"I lobbied against the law in 1993 and 1995 because I thought it would lead to wholesale armed conflict. That hasn't happened. All the horror stories I thought would come to pass didn't happen. No bogeyman. I think it's worked out well, and that says good things about the citizens who have permits. I'm a convert." -- Glenn White, president of the Dallas Police Association, Dallas Morning News, 12/23/97

"I ... [felt] that such legislation present[ed] a clear and present danger to law-abiding citizens by placing more handguns on our streets. Boy was I wrong. Our experience in Harris County, and indeed statewide, has proven my fears absolutely groundless." -- Harris County [Texas] District Attorney John Holmes, Dallas Morning News, 12/23/97

"Some of the public safety concerns which we imagined or anticipated a couple of years ago, to our pleasant surprise, have been unfounded or mitigated." -- Fairfax County, VA, Police Major Bill Brown, Alexandria Journal, 7/9/97

"I was wrong. But I'm glad to say I was wrong." -- Arlington County, VA, Police Detective Paul Larson, Alexandria Journal, 7/9/97

"The concerns I had - with more guns on the street, folks may be more apt to square off against one another with weapons - we haven't experienced that." -- Charlotte-Mecklenburg, NC, Police Chief Dennis Nowicki, The News and Observer, 11/24/97

Monday, January 21, 2008

Bush To Pardon Self Against War Crimes

Sunday, January 20, 2008

NY Times Censors Ron Paul - Why?

Ron Paul finished 2nd in Nevada, and almost always did better than Giuliani in every primary state so far...

NY Times Censors Ron Paul - Why?

North American Union Magazine and other funny cartoons...

this is just so funny!

more funny illustrations like this at

even more funny illustrations like this @

infowars "more"

Ron Paul Revolution Song (by Aimee Allen)

link to song

Friday, January 18, 2008

On Being Crazy

"Frankly, I think it takes a little bit of being crazy to make a difference in this world." -Erin Brockovich

In context (not mandatory reading:)

Despite spending most of her life believing food allergies were some kind of psychosomatic fabrication, Robyn O'Brien was forced into acknowledging otherwise when she became the mother of four children with adverse reactions to various foods. Motivated by the desire to better understand how to keep her kids healthy, O'Brien began researching the ever-tangling history of food allergies, synthetic ingredients and the ties between the industrial food complex and the U.S. government. Last year, O'Brien launched what has now become one of the most popular web resources for parents of children with food sensitivities. The fact that major media outlets, such as ABC, CNN and the New York Times, see O'Brien's work as an important news story is no mystery considering one out of every three American children has allergies, asthma, ADHD or autism. Speaking about O'Brien's single-minded research, noted activist Erin Brockovich said of her new friend and colleague "Frankly, I think it takes a little bit of being crazy to make a difference in this world."

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Quotes from the Elite: Bertrand Russell

Have you read a Brave New World? In a speech Aldous Huxley gave at UC Berkley, he went public with the fact that the elite hired him to write the novel based on what type of society the elite wanted to create - that consisting of a race of humans so completely enslaved whose actions - even their thoughts - are completely controlled by technologies that they are literal mindless robots. These quotes from Bertrand Russell give you a glimpse of what these "people" (?) have in store for us - what the elite want and are working towards for humanity:

"Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so."
-Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society p50, 1953

"Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers
and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt
of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of
sheep against the practice of eating mutton."
*- Bertrand Russell, "The Impact of Science on Society", 1953, pg 49-50*

"In like manner, the scientific rulers will provide one kind of education
for ordinary men and women, and another for those who are to become holders
of scientific power. Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile,
industrious, punctual, thoughtless, and contented. Of these qualities,
probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order to
produce it, all the researches of psycho-analysis, behaviourism, and
biochemistry will be brought into play.... All the boys and girls will learn
from an early age to be what is called 'co-operative,' i.e., to do exactly
what everybody is doing. Initiative will be discouraged in these children,
and insubordination, without being punished, will be scientifically trained
out of them."

"On those rare occasions, when a boy or girl who has passed the age at which
it is usual to determine social status shows such marked ability as to seem
the intellectual equal of the rulers, a difficult situation will arise,
requiring serious consideration. If the youth is content to abandon his
previous associates and to throw in his lot whole-heartedly with the rulers,
he may, after suitable tests, be promoted, but if he shows any regrettable
solidarity with his previous associates, the rulers will reluctantly
conclude that there is nothing to be done with him except to send him to the
lethal chamber before his ill-disciplined intelligence has had time to
spread revolt. This will be a painful duty to the rulers, but I think they
will not shrink from performing it."
*- Bertrand Russell, "The Scientific Outlook", 1931*


Scientific Technique and the Concentration of Power
, info on Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell was the founder of the Pugwash movement which used the spectre of Cold War nuclear annihilation to push for world government.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Inside the Martial Law Act of 2006

Inside the Martial Law Act of 2006

Homeschooling a Crime in Germany

Homeschooling a Crime in Germany

“The [German] court determined that the parents’ refusal to send their children to either a state or a state approved private school is a misuse of parental custody rights, which violates the well-being of the child,” the letter, dated just a few weeks ago… “and which requires actions by the family court.

Germany has not had banned homeschoolers since the Nazis ruled. Are you surprised that it is being implemented now? After all, the European Union is not much different than Hitler’s Thousand Year Reich. Only difference is the bureaucrats wear fancy suits instead of black uniforms, although I’m sure the “child protective services” thugs — call them Gestapo — who will go after reticent homeschoolers will be dressed in black.

“The behavior of German authorities against families who homeschool goes against the very fiber of what free and democratic societies stand for – that governments exist to protect the rights of people not to take them away,” Mike Donnelly, a staff attorney for the HSLDA [the Home School Legal Defense Association], said. “In Germany it appears that the judicial, executive and legislative branches of government do not care to protect the human right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children which includes the right to homeschool – a view shared by nearly all other western civilized countries.”

Thousands of UK Prisoners to be “Chipped Like Dogs”

Thousands of UK Prisoners to be “Chipped Like Dogs”

One company plans deeper implants that could vibrate, electroshock the implantee, broadcast a message, or serve as a microphone to transmit conversations. “Some folks might foolishly discount all of these downsides and futuristic nightmares since the tagging is proposed for criminals like rapists and murderers,” Ms McIntyre said. “The rest of us could be next.”

Obama's top adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski

AMY GOODMAN: Barack Obama?

ALLAN NAIRN: Well, Obama's top adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski gave an interview to the French press a number of years ago where he boasted about the fact that it was he who created the whole Afghan jihadi movement, the movement that produced Osama bin Laden. And he was asked by the interviewer, "Well, don't you think this might have had some bad consequences?" And Brzezinski replied, "Absolutely not. It was definitely worth it, because we were going after the Soviets. We were getting the Soviets." Another top Obama person—

AMY GOODMAN: I think his comment actually was, "What's a few riled-up Muslims?" And this, that whole idea of blowback, the idea of arming, financing, training the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets, including Osama bin Laden, and then when they're done with the Soviets, they set their sights, well, on the United States.

ALLAN NAIRN: Right. And later, during Bill Clinton's administration, during the Bosnia killing, the US actually flew some of the Afghan Mujahideen, the early al-Qaeda people—the US actually arranged for them to be flown from there to Bosnia to fight on the Muslim/NATO side.

Another key Obama adviser, Anthony Lake, he was the main force behind the US invasion of Haiti in the mid-Clinton years during which they brought back Aristide essentially in political chains, pledged to support a World Bank/IMF overhaul of the economy, which resulted in an increase in malnutrition deaths among Haitians and set the stage for the current ongoing political disaster in Haiti.

Another Obama adviser, General Merrill McPeak, an Air Force man, who not long after the Dili massacre in East Timor in '91 that you and I survived, he was—I happened to see on Indonesian TV shortly after that—there was General McPeak overseeing the delivery to Indonesia of US fighter planes.

Another key Obama adviser, Dennis Ross. Ross, for many years under both Clinton and Bush 2, a key—he has advised Clinton and both Bushes. He oversaw US policy toward Israel/Palestine. He pushed the principle that the legal rights of the Palestinians, the rights recognized under international law, must be subordinated to the needs of the Israeli government—in other words, their desires, their desires to expand to do whatever they want in the Occupied Territories. And Ross was one of the people who, interestingly, led the political assault on former Democratic President Jimmy Carter. Carter, no peacenik—I mean, Carter is the one who bears ultimate responsibility for that Timor terror that Holbrooke was involved in. But Ross led an assault on him, because, regarding Palestine, Carter was so bold as to agree with Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa that what Israel was doing in the Occupied Territories was tantamount to apartheid. And so, Ross was one of those who fiercely attacked him.

Another Obama adviser, Sarah Sewall, who heads a human rights center at Harvard and is a former Defense official, she wrote the introduction to General Petraeus's Marine Corps/Army counterinsurgency handbook, the handbook that is now being used worldwide by US troops in various killing operations. That's the Obama team.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Halliburton Confirms Concentration Camps Already Constructed

Halliburton Confirms Concentration Camps Already Constructed

On February 17, 2006, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld spoke of the harm being done to the country’s security, not just by the enemy, but also by what he called “news informers” who needed to be combated in “a contest of wills.”

In 2002 Attorney General John Ashcroft announced his desire to see camps for U.S. citizens deemed to be “enemy combatants.”

A Defense Department document, entitled the “Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support,” has set out a military strategy against terrorism that envisions an “active, layered defense” both inside and outside U.S. territory. In the document, the Pentagon pledges to “transform U.S. military forces to execute homeland defense missions in the . . . U.S. homeland.”

Halliburton subsidiary "KBR has been awarded a contract announced by the Department of Homeland Security's United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) component. The Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contingency contract is to support ICE facilities and has a maximum total value of $385 million over a five year term. The contract provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the United States, or to support the rapid development of new programs". See Source Document on Halliburton Site or page 1, & 5 below
HOUSTON, Texas – Halliburton (NYSE:HAL) announced that income from continuing operations for the full year of 2005 was $2.4 billion. Consolidated revenue in the fourth quarter of 2005 was $5.8 billion. Consolidated operating income was $779 million in the fourth quarter of 2005. This increase was largely attributable to higher activity in the Energy Services Group (ESG), partially offset by lower revenue in KBR primarily on government services projects in the Middle East. Annual operating income more than tripled to $2.7 billion in 2005.

Over 800 concentration camps are reported throughout the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive U.S. Prisoners who disagree with the government. The concentration camps are all staffed and manned by full-time guards, however, they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) when Martial Law is implemented in the United States (at the stroke of a Presidential pen and the Attorney General's signature on a warrant).

The camps have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities, many have airports. Like Auschwitz, some of the camps have airtight buildings and furnaces. The majority of the camps can each house a population of 20,000 prisoners. Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive "mental health" facility and can hold approximately 2 million people.


75 years on, executed Reichstag arsonist finally wins pardon

picked up @

75 years on, executed Reichstag arsonist finally wins pardon

· Dutch activist exonerated under 1998 law
· Hitler used fire as pretext to establish dictatorship

Kate Connolly in Berlin
Saturday January 12, 2008
The Guardian

An unemployed Dutch bricklayer who was made a scapegoat for one of the defining moments of 20th-century German history has been pardoned for his crime 75 years later.

Marinus van der Lubbe, 24, was beheaded after being convicted of setting fire to the Reichstag, an event Hitler used as a pretext to suspend civil liberties and establish a dictatorship.

But Van de Lubbe's conviction has been overturned by the federal prosecutor, Monika Harms, after a lawyer in Berlin alerted her to the fact that he had yet to be exonerated under a law passed in 1998. The law allowed pardons for people convicted of crimes under the Nazis, based on the concept that Nazi law "went against the basic ideas of justice".

But the exoneration is only symbolic and will not lead to compensation for Van de Lubbe's heirs.

Police arrested Van der Lubbe in the burning building, and he is said to have confessed that he started the fire in order to encourage a workers' uprising against the rise of the Nazis.

However, historians remain divided over the event. The Nazis said it was a communist plot and used the fire in propaganda. Most modern historians are in agreement that Van der Lubbe was involved in the fire, but whether he acted alone or with accomplices is still open to debate.

Following the attack in February 1933, which gutted the Reichstag and was a key event in the establishment of Nazi Germany, the Communist party was banned and Nazi opponents were brutally suppressed. In one night 1,500 communist functionaries were arrested.

When he was alerted to the news of the fire, which took place shortly after he had taken power, Adolf Hitler called it a "sign from heaven" that a communist putsch was about to be launched.

The day after the fire the Reichstag fire decree was signed into law, which led to the suspension of civil liberties and the banning of many newspapers and other publications hostile to the Nazis.

Van der Lubbe, who had moved to Germany to pursue his political beliefs, went on trial in Leipzig in 1933 along with four others, charged with arson and attempting to overthrow the government. But only Van der Lubbe was convicted. He was executed in January 1934.

The full pardon follows a decades-long legal process by Van der Lubbe's heirs to rehabilitate him.

In 1967 a Berlin court bizarrely changed the sentence to an eight-year prison term. In 1980 the same court lifted the sentence completely, a decision later reversed by the federal court. Then in 1981 a West German court overturned the conviction on the basis that Van der Lubbe was insane, but campaigners pushed for full state pardon arguing that he had been convicted by a Nazi court.

It took the 1998 law to make the full pardon possible but it is unclear why another 10 years went by before it was granted.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Blame for 1993 Attack at Center Is Still at Issue

Blame for 1993 Attack at Center Is Still at Issue - NY Times

"It was only two years ago, though, that its victims won a major victory, when a Manhattan jury found that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owned the trade center, was more to blame for the bombing than the terrorists."

Top Ten Signs Your Country May Be Going Fascist

Top Ten Signs Your Country May Be Going Fascist

Health Professionals Call for End to Water Fluoridation

Look out the window - Fox News Frank Luntz








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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Vote Fraud in New Hampshire

European press: It wasn’t a miracle — Hillary won via a rigged vote

The mainstream Italian media are reporting both the rigging of the New Hampshire primary for Senator Hillary Clinton and the official demands for a swift, accurate and impartial recount. In an article written by Marcello Foa, one of Europe’s most respected journalists, it appears that vote tallies for all Democratic candidates as well as Republicans were reduced by Diebold vote-counting machines.

Media Struggles To Whitewash Clinton Vote Fraud Suspicions

Karl Rove Writes Wall Street Journal Article To Cover-Up Obvious Vote Fraud:

Mr. Rove is a former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush.

"The opinion researchers find themselves in a difficult place after most predicted a big Obama sweep. It's not their fault. The dirty secret is it is hard to accurately poll a primary. Our media culture endows polls -- especially exit polls -- with scientific precision they simply don't have."


"Polling Errors" in New Hampshire:

My Comments: What a liar. This article exists solely to use lies to answer suspicious questions citizens have about the seemingly obvious vote fraud in New Hampshire's primary.

Also See:

Clear Evidence Of Widespread Vote Fraud In New Hampshire

Hacking Democracy

New Hampshire District Admits Ron Paul Votes Not Counted

Ron Paul Votes Not Counted In New Hampshire District

CNN Mention of Possible Vote Fraud Finds Memory Hole:

Bill Maher Gets Vote Fraud Wrong

Local news station confirms barium in chemtrails

"It turns out, until 9 years ago, the government had the right, under U.S. law, to conduct secret testing on the American Public, under "specific conditions." Only public outcry repealed part of that law, with some exceptions." -News Reporter in the following Newscast:

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Ron Paul NH Article

Paul counting on independent voters

New Hampshire Union Leader Correspondent
6 hours, 32 minutes ago

MERRIMACK – Ron Paul said yesterday that taking winning 10 percent of the Republican caucus results in Iowa puts him in solid standing for the New Hampshire primary, with its large contingent of independent voters.

Paul, a U.S. representative from Texas, said he captured 29 percent of the independent vote in Iowa, and "when we saw those statistics, we knew the obvious opportunities in New Hampshire" with its 44 percent of independent voters.

His supporters on the streets at midday yesterday were handing out miniature copies of the U.S. Constitution, led by the staccato of a drummer in Colonial dress and a tri-corner hat and chants calling for a revolution.

Last night, about 40 people at a house gathering heard Paul explain his plans for restoring constitutionalism, a political theory that he says means a major reduction in military commitments, ending trade agreements supported by subsidies and abolishing income tax with no proposed substitute.

Homeowner Linda Lagana and neighbor Cathy Whalen said they don't have a second choice on the ballot, and Stephen Szewczyk of Nashua said he wouldn't even vote in November if Paul doesn't get the nomination.

Lagana said she was fed up with government spending and inflation, and if Paul did not get elected, a movement to get the support of legislators for stable economic policies would continue.

"This is not going away," she said.

After being "uninvited" to participate in FOX's debate Sunday night at St. Anselm College, Paul decided to purchase an hour-long television slot that evening, because "I can afford it." (Note: When originally posted, this story misidentified the debate. Paul is in the January 5 ABC debate.)

He raised $20 million in the fourth quarter, more than any other Republican campaign.

Paul said he is going after the Republican nomination and has no interest in a third-party ticket.

He told his audience last night, "We are $2.7 trillion in debt, and history tells us that all great nations collapse due to economic reasons. It starts when the currency goes down, and right now on some days the Canadian dollar increases higher than the U.S dollar, and that should tell us something."

Paul said the borrowing and printing of money creates economic inequities, because the people who get the printed and borrowed money first, notably the government, bankers and financial institutions, get to use it first, and that is an advantage.

He wants to transitionally abolish the Federal Reserve and its money-printing operations and many of the governmental institutions and their programs, such as military occupation, that create a need for foreign debt credits to restrain inflation and reinstitute local controls.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008