Matt Rammelkamp's Blog

Personal blog of Matthew Rammelkamp from 2005 - 2009. Blog is now changing sites to

Friday, January 25, 2008

Open Debate vs. Your Opposition Controlling the Floor: Knowing When to Avoid Confrontation

Open Debate vs. Your Opposition Controlling the Floor: Knowing When to Avoid Confrontation
by me

When someone else has the floor, they will always tear a new a**hole out of their opposition. In an open debate, it may be a different story but when someone has the floor, the odds are against you that you will represent your opposing viewpoint fairly. Therefore, it's best to just not bring it up.

We can't call up sean hannity/bill o reily and talk about ron paul because it will hurt us more than help. It's best his listeners not hear the name Ron Paul than hear it in a negative way. When we knock on a strangers door and they hear you say "I'm a volunteer for Ron Paul..." would we rather them slam the door in our face because their favorite radio/tv news guy ripped 'em a new a*hole OR would we rather them just simply say "Who is Ron Paul?"

We also can't be like this guy holding up a ron paul sign at a mitt romney rally. He could have used his time better passing out ron paul flyers, canvassing, phone banking, or even posting-pro-ron-paul videos on message boards....ANYTHING ELSE. What a waste of this guy's limited time.

We don't have infinity people! Every time you choose to do one thing less productive you are preventing yourself from doing something else more productive.