Matt Rammelkamp's Blog

Personal blog of Matthew Rammelkamp from 2005 - 2009. Blog is now changing sites to

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Vitamin D: Wonder Drug

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated as law that "only a drug can be used to cure, prevent or treat a disease". This is the law in America and fast becoming the law all around the world. This law is factually untrue. Scientists, doctors, researchers and virtually all citizens around the world know that nutrients, food, herbs, minerals, and other things including laughter and thoughts had been used and are being used to treat, prevent and cure disease. The law, however, states that only a "drug" can be used to treat, cure, or prevent a disease! This law is a lie. The law has been put into effect not to protect citizens but rather to protect the profits of the pharmaceutical companies. This law creates a monopoly for the pharmaceutical companies to sell their drugs exclusively. This law prevents companies and individuals from sharing truthful research and knowledge about how food, herbs, vitamins, minerals, etc. can and are being used to treat, prevent and cure disease. The law is stopping the free-flow of opinions and truthful information about how inexpensive natural non-drug and non-surgical methods actually do in fact cure, prevent and treat a disease. This law has allowed a massive flow of misinformation about the exclusivity of drugs in the treatment, prevention and curing of disease. This law has stopped the dissemination of information to people about how in fact food and nutrients, herbs, massage, and other non-drug and non-surgical methods are actually more effective at treating, preventing, and curing disease than drugs and surgery without any of the side effects. For more information on how to change the law, go to:

One such nutrient is so powerful in curing and preventing disease that it would be classified as the most amazing wonder drug of all time. However, no one can state how this vitamin cures and prevents and treats disease because doing so might be considered breaking the law, and those companies or individuals who were to state that a vitamin can actually cure, prevent or treat a disease might be accused of committing a criminal offense. Remember the law says a vitamin cannot be used to treat, prevent, or cure a disease. Food cannot be used to treat, prevent, or cure disease. Thoughts cannot be used to treat, prevent, or cure disease. Massage cannot be used to treat, prevent, or cure disease. Herbs cannot be used to treat, prevent, or cure a disease. Acupuncture cannot be used to treat, prevent or cure disease. Nothing can be used to treat, prevent, or cure disease except an approved drug sold by a pharmaceutical company! That's the law. Saying otherwise might be considered a criminal act and might put you in jail EVEN THOUGH IT'S TRUE!

But I am exercising my First Amendment rights and am willing to risk prosecution (in violation of my First Amendment rights) to get this vital information out to you. Vitamin D is the amazing "wonder drug". Vitamin D is not a drug; Vitamin D is a vitamin, and I'm going to challenge the FDA and say the unthinkable. Vitamin D, a vitamin and not a drug, can be used to treat, prevent, and cure at least seven diseases better than any drug on the market! I've said it! I'm now risking jail! And you thought we lived in a free country.

Scientists have discovered that Vitamin D is different from other nutrients in the fact that it affects the entire body. Vitamin D has an effect on virtually every cell in the human body, in every organ, in every tissue, even bones. The uniqueness of Vitamin D is manifold. First, Vitamin D is actually created by the human body itself; this is the only vitamin that is created in the human body. The human body creates its own Vitamin D after exposure to light from the sun. The amount of exposure to sunlight to create the required amount of Vitamin D varies from person to person. A light skinned person would require 15 minutes in the sun; a very dark skinned person as much as an hour. More independent research is being conducted on the positive effects of Vitamin D and more importantly what happens to the body when there is a Vitamin D deficiency. Researchers and scientists are now realizing that all the sun blocks being used, sunglasses, and lack of time in the sun due to people's busy schedules has resulted in the majority of people being deficient in Vitamin D. Could this one single deficiency be a major contributing factor or even the cause of many diseases, ailments and even depression? The answer seems to be clear. When a person has a Vitamin D deficiency it leads to a whole host of common ailments and even severe diseases and illnesses. With a Vitamin D deficiency your bones can be weak and your immune system can be weak; this leads to catching more colds and flues, developing cold sores, lethargy, fatigue, muscle aches and pains, Osteoporosis, etc. Vitamin D deficiencies are prevalent in virtually every person who has cancer and heart disease. More research is being conducted on the correlation. Virtually all diabetics, people with multiple sclerosis, and lupus are deficient in Vitamin D. People who experience fibromyalgia or excessive chronic pain are also deficient in Vitamin D. Scientists around the world are realizing that Vitamin D deficiencies are more prevalent today than ever before in history. It's virtually epidemic proportions. The FDA's Vitamin D recommendations are so outdated that experts are calling for revisions in what are the acceptable required levels of Vitamin D for optimal body efficiency. This is not new with the U.S. Government. The USDA and the FDA for years have put together standards which include daily recommended allowances of various vitamins and minerals. These daily recommended allowances have constantly been changed and updated as more information becomes available. Years ago certain vitamins weren't even discovered; therefore, they were not on the recommended daily allowance list. Now we know that we need certain nutrients in order for optimal body efficiency and to prevent disease. It's ironic that the US Government on the one hand says that you need certain amounts of vitamins and minerals to prevent disease, but then on the other hand has a law that says only a drug can be used to treat, prevent, or cure a disease. It is imperative that you know and understand this basic concept: the best way to prevent disease is to make sure you have no nutritional deficiencies, eliminate toxins from the body, reduce or neutralize your exposure to electromagnetic chaos from cell-phones and other electronic and wireless devices, and reduce mental and emotional stress. Drugs are not the answer! For more information on Vitamin D deficiencies read Bob Barefoot's book, The Disease Conspiracy.

The best way to get Vitamin D is by getting out in the sun every day for at least 15 minutes. Ideally you should expose as much skin to the sun without any lotions or sunscreens and make sure you have no sunglasses. The next best way is through your food or supplements, such as cod liver oil. Remember vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients and co-factors must be in balance and proportion as nature intended. It's always best to get your nutrients from food that you eat, always organic and as close to as nature intended. Eating and adding more organic raw fruits and vegetables to your diet is the easiest and best way to get nutrients. The second best way is through whole food supplements not individual vitamins and minerals. In my newest book, More Natural Cures Revealed, the Previously Censored Brand Name Products that Cure Disease, I give you my specific product recommendations that I actually take myself. There are various whole food supplements that are simply concentrated food providing massive amounts of nutrients in the exact proportion nature intended. Many of these come from sea vegetables, rice bran, and other plants.