Matt Rammelkamp's Blog

Personal blog of Matthew Rammelkamp from 2005 - 2009. Blog is now changing sites to

Monday, November 03, 2008

EMFs and Spontaneous Abortions

The rate of miscarriages increased by 40% from women who sit in front of computers for 20 hours + per week.

According to this scientific study:

Sandyk R, Anastasiadis P G, Anninos P A, Tsagas N. The Pineal gland and spontaneous abortions: impolications for therapy with melatonin and magnetic field. Int J Neuroscience. 1992; 62 (3-4): p243-250.

There are 100s of other things i dont have time to type them all out just for you.

Buy the book "The Invisible Threat: The Risks Associated with EMFs" you can read over 200 scientifically published studies about EMFs - power lines, computers, cell phones, etc - causing adverse health effects. You can buy the book at

In Sweden, Electro-Hypersensitivity Disorder is a recognized disability and 3% of the population is severely affected - more every year due to more electrosmog in our environment.

In Australia, third pary insurers will compensate people for anti-EMF devices when prescribed by a doctor.

We have found enough associations and causal relationships to know that electromagnetic fields are affecting our health adversely.