Matt Rammelkamp's Blog

Personal blog of Matthew Rammelkamp from 2005 - 2009. Blog is now changing sites to

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Global Warming is a Myth

"They completely ignore that there is this thing called The Oregon Petition, which was signed by 19,000 Professionals and Scientists, who DON'T agree with the idea that we are causing climate change."
-Patrick Moore, PhD, Founding Member of Greenpeace

Did you know the icecaps on mars and other planets in our solar system, and their moons, are melting? This is because the sun goes through cycles, and right now is getting hotter. Scam-artist Globalist Al Gore didn't talk about this in his film now did he? And "Live Earth" kingpin David Mayer de Rothschild (youngest child (born 1978) of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, of the British wing of the Rothschild banking family) actually said the reason for the warming on those planets is because, get this, they are closer to the sun than Earth!

Evidence the Whole Solar System is Warming, because of the sun warming:

London Telegraph Reporting on Research Showing The Sun is To Blame for Warmer Planets

Associated Press saying Sun is Cause of Global Warming

Current Science & Technology Center Reports on Global Warming on Mars Reports on Global Warming ON PLUTO!

United Press International Reports on Global Warming on SATURN

Neptune's Largest Moon, Is Warming, Reports Science Agogo Reports on JUPITER's Warming

And the list goes on and on.

Click here for a larger archive of more scientific evidence, or to read about the hypocracy of Al Gore, or to learn about the agenda the elite and corporations have for having us believe in global warming. Briefly, it's about the global elite working towards more central control; via a UN global "carbon tax" (a tax on breathing?) on every human on earth, and to, along with the "peak oil" scam, justify higher oil prices to scam consumers and reap record profits for global corporations.

Protecting the environment is important, I work for an environmental organization, and there are REAL environmental issues that need to be addressed. But I just HAVE to beg you to look at the other side of the issue in an unbiased, open-minded way, and consider it at face value. Like myself, it may take you weeks or even months of pondering this to actually finally stop lying to yourself and admit it, so I understand if you don't believe me right away. It seems global warming denial is on keen with holocaust denial these days, thanks in large part to Al Gore's biased film that lies and says the scientific consensus is that man is to blame for the Earth's warming.

If you consider yourself a rational person, and not a brainwashed hippie liberal yuppie, then watch a couple other videos about Global Warming with other conclusions and compare them to the (dis)info in Gore's film. So, here they are::

Global Warming or Global Governance?

The Great Global Warming Swindle: (1hr 14 min)

Doomsday Called Off (44 min)

Now, after watching these videos, you'll have to admit that AT THE VERY LEAST, there IS scientific DEBATE on the issue. Al Gore's film gives the false impression, check that, it outright lies and says that 100% of the hundreds or thousands of studies on climate change PROVE we are causing global warming. One way to discredit yourself is to be proven to be a liar. Al Gore is clearly lying in his film; so he's lost all credibility unless he corrects himself and at least admits that scientists disagree on the issue.

p.s. Al Gore is the one who let Bush win the election and didn't fight to stop him after the election fraud in 2000. Maybe he didn't fight because he never intended to win and the whole election was staged? Based on testimony from engineers who used to work for electronic voting machine corporation Diebold, and the massive difference in exit polling data in Ohio in the 2004 presidential election, it is clear the presidential elections in the U.S. are staged. Both Gore, Kerry, and Bush are all members of Bohemian Grove, all meet and discuss policy in secret, are all members of Skull and Bones, and they are all into some really sinister stuff. I'll let you watch the video about Bohemain Grove to see for yourself the sick twisted stuff they are into:

The Order of Death" (43 mins)

O, and here is a video showing you how the Bush's and the Clinton's Vacation Together, and both are working to create a New World Order (includes a global tax, microchipped population, and more that i'm not going to get into, if you want, google "new world order"):
But definately watch this 3 minute video showing you how Bush and Clinton really are, "best friends":
Bush and Clinton Best Buds

This isn't to say we shouldn't find alternatives to fossil fuels. We should find alternatives to resources that makes us dependent on corporations or countries, that fuel endless wars, that destroy natural habitats like tropical rainforests (for oil, natural gas exploration and mining), that kick indigenous people off their land for our growing consumption, or that pollute in other ways (like oil spills, etc). Fossil Fuels are bad, we should work to reduce our consumption and find alternatives. However, using pseudo-one-sided science to induce fear in the population of a global catastrophe to induce a global tax on carbon emissions (eh..em...BREATHING!) IS NOT O.K.

Fox News Reports on Errors in Gore's Film here

"The concern was about the connection between hurricanes and global warming. That is a subject of a heated debate in the science community. Gore cited five recent scientific studies to support his view."

"I thought the use of imagery from Hurricane Katrina was inappropriate and unnecessary in this regard," said Brian Soden, a University of Miami professor of meteorology and oceanography.

Some scientists said Gore confused his ice sheets when he said the effect of the Clean Air Act is noticeable in the Antarctic ice core; it is the Greenland ice core. Others thought Gore oversimplified the causal-link between the key greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and rising temperatures.

Global Warming?

2008 Coolest Year in 5 years

NASA saying sun changes earth's climate

Lots of more links.

As is readily apparent upon a cursory examination of ice core samples (Primary source here - increases in carbon dioxide emissions follow and do not lead temperature rise. They lag behind by as much as several hundred years - proving that natural causes such as sun activity drive climate change as has been the case throughout history, where extended periods of warming and cooling have been observed.

In fact the earth has been warming consistently since the end of the 17th century, after the planet emerged from the Little Ice Age (, and long before industrialization began.

From 1940-1975, when carbon emissions as a result of human activity rapidly increased, global temperatures decreased significantly, prompting fears of a new ice age, before the warming trend picked up again.

Weather channel founder wants to sue Al Gore for false claims in film, court agrees.

Climate Facts to Warm Too Australian News

Glen Beck piece that makes some good points:

Central Plank Of Global Warming Alarmism Discredited:
Inspiration for Al Gore's movie cover, contention that global warming causes intense hurricanes, discredited by professor who first proposed it.

Primary Source Showing Ice Core Levels Disproving the "hockey stick" curve - central plank of global warming alarmism:

Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica.

Petit, J.R., J. Jouzel, D. Raynaud, N.I. Barkov, J.-M. Barnola, I. Basile, M. Bender, J. Chappellaz, M. Davis, G. Delayque, M. Delmotte, V.M. Kotlyakov, M. Legrand, V.Y. Lipenkov, C. Lorius, L. Pepin, C. Ritz, E. Saltzman, and M. Stievenard. 1999.

Nature 399: 429-436.