Matt Rammelkamp's Blog

Personal blog of Matthew Rammelkamp from 2005 - 2009. Blog is now changing sites to

Friday, February 01, 2008

BS: Ronald Reagan Wins Louisiana Caucus


January 23, 2008
Ronald Reagan Wins Louisiana Caucus
Posted by Nick Bradley at January 23, 2008 08:56 AM

According to the Shreveport Times, the Pro-Life/Pro-Family ticket won in all 7 districts last night. All non-Paul candidates pooled their delegates into a single delegate slate: Huck, Romney, Benito, McCain, Thompson.

And what about Reagan? Well, this is the handout for the Pro-Life/Pro-Family delegate slate; It has a photo of Ron and Nancy Reagan and says "win one for the gipper." This is a new low for the rest of the field, but it is what it is and I am not suprised one bit.

Non-Paul candidates also pooled their resources in Wyoming, where Paul was actually ahead on some of the first ballots, but supporters of the various neocon candidates pooled their support to win the county.

On the plus side:

1. The coalition delegate slate will be split 4 ways at the state convention, and Paul may have more than any one candidate.

2. Paul supposedly has most of the alternate delegate slots, most of which were uncontested. So if somebody doesn't show up or is ruled ineligible, a Paul delegate can step up.

Update: The LA GOP is reporting that there are only 650 provisional ballots (not half like I heard earlier), and that the provisional ballots will not be counted in the 3rd and 7th districts due to a sufficient margin of victory. However, they will be counted in the other districts because it can affect the margin of error. With 10,000 votes cast and 650 provisional ballots, the margin of victory in the other districts must have been very close. In addition, alternates were selected in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th districts.