Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) is Total Bullshit.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) is Total Bullshit.
Truth goes through three stages:
-First it is ridiculed
-Then it is violently opposed
-Finally it is accepted as self-evident
It's pink ribbon time so time to raise money and walk for a cure? Right? Wrong - the last thing the “cancer cure industry” wants is a cure for cancer. Rima Laiblow, MD, Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation writes, "After all, cancer is the single most economically productive disease in the history of mankind. Never mind that valid, successful and inexpensive cures for cancer are ruthlessly suppressed by the cancer industry, including the shameful performance of my profession, organized medicine. Pink Ribbon Season means well crafted messages to maneuver women all over America to have mammograms and undergo dangerous and often unnecessary treatment for it in the common event that the diagnosis of breast cancer is wrong."
"Breast Cancer Awareness Month is, simply put, a corporate strategy , sponsored by, among others, Astra Zeneca, which makes Tamoxifen. Every word, walk and wink associated with the ubiquitous pink ribbon must pass their approval process," Dr. Laibow explains. Perhaps you have noticed that, under the guidance of the pharma-funders of the charitable cause, “prevention” has become “early detection” and early detection means, pure and simple, mammogram$$$.
So what's wrong with mammorgrams? According to the National Cancer Institute numbers, a decade of screening a woman's breasts should increase cancer risk by 20%!. Mammorgrams are also shockingly bad at finding cancers, according to Dr. Samuel Epstein, in his book The Politics of Cancer. He notes that the false negative rate is about 40% among women ages 40-49, and he got these numbers from The National Institutes of Health! They also say mammograms miss 20% of malignant tumors in women. Mammograms may also spread existing cancer as painful pressure is applied to the breast causing cancer cells to spread before immune processes can kill them (which a healthy immune system does routinely).
In fact, Dr. John W. Gofman, an expert on the health impact of ionizing radiation, believes that 75% of breast cancer can be prevented by avoiding ionizing radiation (like in mammograms, at conventional dentist's, CAT Scans, etc). So why don't you hear about this on prime-time TV? Well it would be very bad news for the people who make mammography equipment or who sell the cancer drugs (who also fund the major news networks' airtime). Prevention is, unfortunately, very bad business if you make detection equipment or treatment options for a preventable condition such as breast cancer. It's also not a good news story if the pharmaceutical companies pay almost half of all the airtime for all the news networks!
So what does Dr. Laibow recommend to her patients instead of mammography? Thermography - which detects cancer sooner, far more accurately and with no harm at all to the body since it relies on heat emitted by your body and takes a sensitive heat picture of your body. She explains, "...Because malignancies grow extra blood vessels, they emit more heat so they are detectible early and without danger."
Maybe it's time we actually turn October into Break Through the Breast Cancer Propaganda Month rather than letting the Cancer Industry promote harmful mamograms and cancer drugs. Major health charitable causes usually act as corporations only caring about the bottom line. All that money is given to "researchers" who are on a never-ending gravy train and whose entire career is build of a cure never being found. The medical establishment wants people to get breast cancer, that's why they pressure women into getting radiation shot into their breasts and body each year under the guise of 'early detection.' Millions have been spent on traditional 'research' which seems to line the pockets of wealthy charities and the drug industry without ever finding a cure.
To me, it is inconceivable that a miraculous "cure" will ever be found. Imagine them announcing the cure for breast cancer (or any cancer or any disease) all over the news and in the papers one day soon? No - it just seems so unbelievable, like a dream almost. How about anytime in the next 50 years? Nope - i can't imagine it.
On the other hand, let me totally contradict myself. There are at least dozens if not a few hundred cures for cancer - many have been banned because they would put the cancer industry out of business. Just look up in the library or online the history of 'Royal Rife." In short, he developed a frequency instrument that 'zapped' cancer cells and killed them without damaging normal tissue. This technology is similar to how when an opera singer hits a certain note, the mirror cracks. (Nothing else cracks, just the mirror. Unlike chemotherapy which attacks cancer cells along with healthy cells). Yet this technology was persecuted and censored. No, Royal Rife was not a quack, he was actually the inventor of the universal microscope!
Time and time again inventors have been persectued and jailed for finding cures for dozens of diseases. There is a natural cure for every single disease or adverse health condition that does not require drugs or surgery. The American Medical Association and the Journal of American Medicine admit that 100,000 Americans die every year from side-effects of prescription or over-the-counter drugs! Up to 2.5 million are injured every year! Vioxx was not an isolated case - however, since the Bush Administration has taken office, only a couple drugs have been officially recalled compared to the dozens in the 1990's. Maybe that has to do with the financial backing of Bush and the Republican's election campaigns, who they were the LARGEST funders for (industry-wise).
Did you know that in Germany, there is a cure for Prostate Cancer. But in the U.S. the treatment cannot legally be considered a "cure" because the Food and Drug Administration has passed a regulation saying that 'only a drug can prevent, cure, or treat a disease.' This is why you get more and more things being called a "disease." For example, acid reflux disease, which used to be just "heartburn"; now is apparently a chronic condition. Now, only a drug can legally say on the package that it cures acid reflux. A big way for the drug companies to make money. Their ultimate goal is to have as many people worldwide taking as many of their drugs as possible every single day for the rest of your life. Once they have you on one drug, even OTC drugs, the toxic buildup will cause one or more of your organs or bodily systems to go in disarray, causing some other illness, which will end in you going on more meds. It's a snowball effect and they even conspire with the major food manufacturers to put chemicals in the food that make you sick so you can start taking drugs everyday for the rest of your life.
Don't believe any of what I'm saying? Think it's all B.S.? I don't think anyone can deny this truism, "You can get the general public to believe anything with enough money." If your denying this then you obviously don't know the money makes the world go around. Everybody anybody does in this world is for money. Why do we get up at the crack of dawn? Why are you in college? Why do we do scholarships? Why do we sue people? Why do we want health insurance? For those of you who don't believe any gigantic lie, just ask yourself, if there was TRILLIONS of dollars at your disposal, wouldn't you be able to have people work around the clock putting ads on TV, writting textbooks for schools, putting subliminal ads in magazines, buying season Jets tickets to all the tri-state doctors, lobbying Congress around the clock, and brainwash people to believe almost anything? Did you know that the top ten global Pharmaceutical companies have more combined wealth than the combined wealth of the other 490 of the Fortune 500 companies? And did you know that they do all those things with all their money in order to ensure their monopoly on medical treatment?
Many of you already know that psychiatric drugs are terrible and how the schools got money for each kid whose parents they were able to convince to go on Prozac. You may have heard about how anti-depressants may be useless and dangerous, causing increased suicidal risks while the companies hide the fact. But do you know about how vaccines actually have caused more outbreaks in disease? Or how thousands of people die a year from seemingly "harmless" Advil? Or how those pain releivers are related to cancer when in fact there are many free or cheap and side-effect-free pain relievers? Or what the natural cure for almost every disease is?
To answer these questions and more, I recommend everyone read the New York Times Best-selling book "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau along with the follow up "More Natural Cures Revealed: Previously Censored Brand Name Products that Cure Disease." They are available everywhere, but also are available for for free on, minus shipping and handeling. For a list of alternative health and healing websites, and articles exposing pharmaceutical industry/medical establishment/government corruption, see and and
"...Walk for a cure because exercise reduces the risk of breast cancer. Eat for a cure because sensible, natural diets reduce the risk of breast cancer. Laugh for a cure because stress and loneliness reduce immune competence. Pray for a cure because people with sincere religious convictions live longer and healthier than those without them." ~Rima Laibow, MD, Natural Solutions Foundation,
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