Matt Rammelkamp's Blog

Personal blog of Matthew Rammelkamp from 2005 - 2009. Blog is now changing sites to

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Write to your senators! Protect food labeling laws!

Write to your senators!

The Orwellian named "National Uniformity for Food Act" would undercut food safety laws - forcing them to HARMonize to the federal government's lowest common denominator.

As a health conscious consumer who reads the ingredients in everything I eat - and who would like the stricter labeling and enforcement of the products I buy, I urge you to protect public health by voting against the National Uniformity for Food Act.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that this legislation could eliminate 200 local or statelaws dealing with labeling of food additives, potential allergens, shellfish, etc.

Perhaps the most dangerous element of this bill is its potential to strike down California's Proposition 65, which protects public health by requiring warning notices on products that contain ingredients known to cause cancer or birth defects.

The effects of this law are felt far beyond California's borders, as Proposition 65 compels food companies to improve standards for their food products in all 50 states.

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