Matt Rammelkamp's Blog

Personal blog of Matthew Rammelkamp from 2005 - 2009. Blog is now changing sites to

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Will you be there for her?

This Friday March 17th

Protest Huntingdon Life Sciences outside Bank of America from 4:30-6pm in Selden - 994 Middle Country Rd, Selden, NY

Did you know that a scummy japenese pharmacutical company payed HLS to conduct experiments involving breaking the legs of 40 beagle puppies - without anasthetic? This same company went to HLS to get its experiments on 2 day old puppies - and of course, HLS said yes and did the experiments.

Evidence we are having an effect: HLS reported a net loss for the quarter ended December 31, 2005 of $0.5 million, compared with net income of $13.2 million for the same period in the prior year.

for more info on the campaign to close HLS,
check out
and visit/add

She needs you there this friday to help drive HLS deeper into debt so that they close as soon as possible - the killing of 180,000 animals every year for shampoos and food colorings has to stop.

If you need a ride and would like to car pool - this is no problem, just reply and let me know/email Optional dinner at vegetarian friendly restaurant afterwards (to fill up our tummies and also help you make vegan/vegetarian friends). Free vegetarian diner for any newbies that have never protested with us before.

this is old but very