1 in 10 NH residents beep for Ron Paul!
One in 10 NH residents who who shop at NH Mall days before X-mas beep for Ron Paul
A few days before X-mas, Ron Paul supporters converged to Manchester, NH to do a sign wave. I counted 18 people at one point.
We gave out 200+ yard signs in 7 hours, tons of bumper stickers, hundreds of leaflets, and hundreds of pocket constitutions.
We were there for 7 hours, and I counted cars going by vs. cars that beeped (our sign said to Honk for Freedom). A set of 35-40 cars might pull into the mall driveway at a time (before the light turns back red), and I'd say we got on average like 3-6 of those beeped, a couple more gave the thumbs up (without beeping). If this is a representation of how many people will go and vote for Ron Paul in the NH primary election, it is an indication that he will win.
One in perhaps 200 (rough estimate) gave us a thumb down, or yelled the name of another candidate out the window.
I assume those who didn't do anything (Beep, thumb up or down, say anything) are undecided, or not strongly stuck on a candidate.
The phone polls are innaccurate because they target those who have voted in republican primary before, and don't call those who solely use cell phone users, and numerous other factors. Some phone polls make you choose "other" in order to vote for Ron Paul.
One sign geared towards those waiting at the light having enough time to read it said: "Ron Paul's X-mas List": 1) Bring the Troops Home & Change Foreign Policy 2) Cut Taxes AND Spending 3) Stop Inflation That Lowers America's Standard of Living 4) Restore Civil Liberties & Privacy
Merry X-mas; It's going to be fun when Ron Paul wins the NH primary and the media acts shocked.
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