Matt Rammelkamp's Blog

Personal blog of Matthew Rammelkamp from 2005 - 2009. Blog is now changing sites to

Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Troops...

ok people get really offended when i say "fuck the troops" in response to the torture, rape, and murder they either commit personally, or indirectly support by being in the military...

my question for you then is...

why have NOT ONE U.S. soldier in iraq done the noble thing and REFUSED TO SERVE. where are the mahatma gandhi's and martlin luther king jr's? you want respect and support for the u.s. populace who is against war - then you have to earn it.

In Israel, soldiers have refused to serve in israeli-occupied palestine, and have taken the jail sentences along with their refusal and disobedience being covered in media worldwide.

Image how easy it would be to stop U.S. involvement in unjust wars if only the troops who were morally opposed would stop fighting. It doesn't matter how many U.S. citizens we have in the streets (this has been proven!), but it matters if we have enough pawns on the battle-field. I feel that stopping the war will only come when the troops stand up and take whatever consequences come to them when they refuse to fight an unjust war (jail).

Of course, the military's plan to stop making them think for themselves is to poison them with flouride and other mind-controlling drugs, so even if I saw a troop refuse or raise questions about being flouridated I would "support" him.

To anyone in the military or with friends or family in the military, if you want me to support them than put your muscle where your mouth is. Stand up and make a difference. The power to stop this war and the U.S. empire of conquest lies with YOU; the pawns. No pawns = no wars.

****feel free to repost this, maybe someone will actually do it.