Matt Rammelkamp's Blog

Personal blog of Matthew Rammelkamp from 2005 - 2009. Blog is now changing sites to

Thursday, December 14, 2006

GSK ads up cost of dealing with HLS

November 27, 2006 -- Philadelphia, PA

It has been reported from activists in Philadelphia that in recent court proceedings, major HLS customer GlaxoSmithKline reported that it has spent roughly $300,000 on security cameras alone (most of these at private residences) in response to protests against the company. GSK indications suggest that all told, roughly half of a million dollars has been spent by the company in dealing with animal rights activists (and that's just in the U.S.

Two lessons to be learned: one, the cost of doing business with HLS is clear. Second, the next time someone criticizes you for demoing, just tell them: "It's good for the economy!"

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