Negative Ion Exposure is Beneficial
Wonder why your so refreshed when you get out of the shower? Or how when your stressed out, you feel you need to get "fresh air"? Or how people are more depressed in the winter when your inside more? Or when the sun is out until 8 pm in the summer you feel more energized and less depressed? Or how you feel bad when your stuck in a windowless, plantless room lit with artificial lights? Or how when your surrounded by computers, dryers, and other electronics, you feel "drained"?
It's because things like computers and TV's emit positive ions; atoms which have one less electron - and thus they physically "drian you" because they take energy (electrons) out of your body to become stable. Falling water, like in the shower or at the beach, emit high amounts of negative ions and your body gains energy by taking in the extra electon from negative ions that they emit.
Exposure to negative ions results in significant increases in Immunoglobin A, an important immune factor. Negative ions increase serotonin, improve metabolism.
Increased negative ion exposure can help improve sleep quality and dreaming, reduce stress, improve alertness, concentration, reaction time, mood, skin condition, healing of wounds and overall immune function.
Negative ions, the so-called "good ions" or "happy ions" because of their effects on mood, energy, libido and sense of well-being, predominate near waterfalls, on mountain tops and at the seashore as well as after storms.
So spend more time outdoors, put more plants in your house and place of work, visit the beach more often, stay in your car less, reduce TV and computer time, consider haning your clothes up to dry rather than using a dryer, and maybe even wash dishes just for the fun of it.
This information is so abundant and available all over the web, in books, and in encylopedias - look it up yourself if your more interested.
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